How much does a marketing consultant earn?

Visit PayScale to research marketing consultant salaries by city, experience, skill,. Education is not so important here, although experience is a must for independent consultants who want to gain the trust of their clients. Salary estimates are based on 26 salaries sent anonymously to Glassdoor by Marketing Consultant employees. Consultants who specialize in certain industries, such as biomedical science, can begin their careers with degrees specific to their field of work (e.g.

engineering or science) and then earn a master's degree in marketing or an MBA. These range from self-taught marketing gurus with no formal training to educated master's levels and beyond. In short, evaluate your choice of marketing consultant based on the triumvirate, choose wisely, analyze data and demand results. With this in mind, if the clock ticks, invoices could get out of control soon, hence my approach of standardizing my marketing consulting offering and working on fixed project rates whenever possible so that the client is aware of the total cost up front.

What I would recommend when considering using a marketing consultant is that you test them based on what I like to call the triumvirate of credentials, experience and skill; each one alone is not a good marketing consultant, they all come into play to determine the value of a marketing consultant. A successful marketing strategy and plan helps companies achieve specific, measurable goals, which are considered through a current analysis of the company. Some consultants work only with large companies, while others work with small businesses, freelancers, non-profits, companies in difficulty or start-ups. Factors such as experience, location, and industry affect how much a marketing consultant can be paid.

Good marketing consultants have grown your businesses and can help you adjust your marketing for better results and increase your profits. As a small business owner, every penny counts, so it's vital that you make the most of your money by appointing a marketing consultant, but hardly anyone is upfront about pricing without having meetings and giving you the hard sell first. A company can hire a marketing consultant to work on a specific project, either independently or in collaboration with internal employees. Marketing is, after all, the process of identifying and meeting the needs of your customers in a cost-effective way (CIM definition).